Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big Dog in a Little Sweater

I bought this sweater for Laika when Cricket was gone and I was depressed. She put up with me and wore it around for a few minutes. I think she has a future as a dog model if Abercrombie & Fitch ever decides to make dog clothing.

Cricket Came Home!

Last week was a dramatic one in the Post/Hund household. Last weekend
we went to KC and left Cricket at home. When we got back she was very
affectionate and nice. She didn't yell at us like she usually does
when we leave her at home. Then Tuesday night we realized we had not
seen her since Monday at lunch. I tore the entire apartment apart
looking for her. My motherly instinct told me she was not in our
apartment. So we went into search for Cricket mode. We posted signs
and told all of our neighbors. We walked the entire neighborhood. We
called nearly every vet in St Louis. I visited the Humane Society and
the Pound. At the Pound I encountered a crazy lady that was trying to
talk me into every single cat they had and told me each of their
feeding schedules. I kept having say ever so politely "Thanks but I am
just trying to find my cat". She even debated with me that a white and
grey striped cat might be Cricket…who is neither gray nor white. So
Friday night rolls around and she had been gone almost a week. Cy and
I had been avoiding talking about the possibility that she might not
come back. He offered to take me to dinner to cheer me up but I didn't
feel like leaving…what if she came home? So we picked up a pizza from
a place that is a block away and on the way back we were talking and
calling for Cricket. When we got home I insisted on leaving the door
cracked just in case. So halfway though our pizza we hear a disgusted
"Meow". She came back!
I should also add that mid way through the week Laika had her first
training with the German Shepherd Club. I didn't want to go in case
Cricket came home but I forced myself. Cy has a class on Wednesday
nights so it was just Laika and me. It was quite a horrifying
experience. The female instructor was very large, scary and butch.
The class focuses mainly on negative reinforcement, which I do not
agree with. So it was not the greatest class. At one point the
instructor walked over to a 100+ male German Shepherd who was not
following direction and yanked so hard on the leash I wasn't sure if
the dog would live through it. The rest of the class I was body
blocking Laika so the instructor couldn't get to her. I should also
add too my horror that most of the male dogs are not fixed so I saw
quite a few of them get "excited". I had to body block Laika from
them as well. I hope next week goes better.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My So Called Life

I am sitting on the couch watching Project Runway so I figure it is a
good time to pay more attention to my abandoned blog. I am alone this
week with only Laika and Cricket to entertain me. Cyrus is in
Washington DC for a job fair. I can't wait to see where he gets a job
so I can start putting a location to the next year. He is working
frantically to find a job so he can spend the last year of business
school …relaxing. I think I need to go to business school if you get to relax for a whole year. We are hoping he will find something in the KC area but who knows. Also to throw a wretch in the plans I got laid off last month..err sort of. Technically my
department was reorganized and my position eliminated (= the economy
sucks). They offered me another job that is temporary with the potential that another position might open up for me. Confusing huh? Just like the Bush Doctrine. :) So I am hoping that something opens up because I am lazy and my
commute is 10 minutes round trip. So if we were on Pee Wee's Playhouse the
secret word would be... Employement!

I am going to KC this weekend for the Plaza Art Fair and Spencer's Housewarming Party so expect pictures to be posted soon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time to Recap My Life

I have been mostly updating my blog at work so I have been unable to include any pictures so here is a quick recap of the month of July. Cy and I spent the
Fourth of July in Wichita, His parents had a block party and Cy's sister, Corie, hired a Death Metal band for the entertainment. It was awesome! I also got to see my Madison in Wichita, I though I need to include a picture of her. Then when we returned to the Lou, Robert came and visited us. He is from Finland so he wanted this picture under the American flag so I though it would be a good one to post. Then we went to KC to help see my brother's new house and celebrate my mom and Rick's (my Bro-in-law) birthdays(sorry I have no pictures of that weekend... my fault) I will tell you that the house was really cute. I also got Rick an awesome over sized Star Wars birthday card that plays the theme song. We had to rush back to St Louis on Sunday so we could see Montly Crue in the VIP seats! I lost my ticket so I had to beg the usher to let me in. So after all that I am so ready to sit and home and do nothing......

Sweatin' To The Oldies

This morning on my way into the building at work I noticed a limo parked in front. I know that no one is driving a limo to Daniel and Henry to pay their insurance premiums. We do, however, have a couple of radio stations in my building. Having a limo out front is not an uncommon thing. I have stood on the elevator many times with strange looking people and wondered, “Is that someone famous and I am too lame to know who?” That did not happen today because as the limo door opened I noticed a pair of tight, short, bright red pair of running shorts with some blindingly white running shoes and out popped Richard Simmons! I didn’t get a chance to speak to the workout king but seeing him was exciting enough. I think I will do a little sweating to the oldies tonight in honor of my brief encounter with Richard Simmons.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Cesar Milan You Are a God

I recently borrowed Cesar Milan’s book “How to be the Pack Leader” from the library. I don’t actually expect to be the pack leader. I know that role goes to Cy. Cricket and him have been battling that one out for years. I am what my mother likes to call a marshmallow with Laika as a result I have become her own living chew toy. I am the one that taught her to get on the couch, I snuggle with her in the bed and I am the one that treats her like a lap dog even though she weights 40+lbs so you think she would revere me but no, that adoration goes to Cyrus the disciplinarian. I haven’t started reading the book yet but I am hoping that Cesar can help me be a dog whisperer. Laika is a German Shepherd after all. They teach them to attack bad guys and find drugs, surely I can teach Laika to listen to me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This week was kind of a bad week for me. First of all Cyrus had been in Chicago all week with his friend Robert supposedly looking at business school for Robert but mostly having a boys week. Then I found out that my neighbor's 10 week old wiener dog, Ramona, had be to put sleep because she had distemper. Laika got spayed the next day and I was a hot mess all day long worrying about her. She was fine of course. Then I found out that a puppy down the street also had to be put to sleep for Distemper. So again I was freaking out. I took Laika to the vet and they assured me she was fine since she did have all her shots(so that is what I spent all that money on). Cyrus and Robert are coming to STL tomorrow so hopefully things will turn around.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I recently rediscovered Photoshop. I am obsessed now. Here are some of my recent Photoshop edits.

Tonight was a beautiful night in St Louis. Laika and I went on a walk around Forest Park while Cy hit some golf balls. There was a fancy party at the Art Museum. I wonder why I didn't get an invitation......

Friday, June 27, 2008

Currently, Laika's best friends are a Weiner Dog and a Pomeranian so we decided she needed some time with the big dogs. Cyrus' B-school friend also has a German Shepherd named Lucy so we invited them over. At first Laika didn't know what to do with a dog bigger than her but they became best friends in no time. As you can see they are both couch dogs. The boys were more interested in Guitar Hero then the dogs. Silly Boys.